HackteriaLab 2014 - Yogyakarta

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Hlab2014 banner.png


Hlab14 Book: Reflections on HackteriaLab 2014 - Yogyakarta

Citizen science has long contributed to the health of local communities by making people aware of their environment in the form of oral histories and traditional wisdom. Recently, international open source and maker movements have been actively engaging with the life sciences to focus on the environment. This brought a revival of the tradional knowledge as well as an opportunity for innovation and a model for public participation in science. These activities are becoming influential policy forces changing how we produce and share knowledge as an iterative and collective process. Yogyakarta, Indonesia, has been one of the most active hubs in this movement.

HackteriaLab 2014 – Yogyakarta was held in April 2014 as a two-weeks making-oriented gathering of researchers, artists, scientists, academicians, hackers and whatevers in Yogyakarta. It expanded on ideas and methodologies about BioArt, DIY biology, DIWO (Do-It-With-Others), appropriate technology, art and science, and biohacking, developed during the previous versions of HLab10 - Dock18, HLab11 - Romainmotier both in Switzerland and HLab13 - Bangalore, India. HLab14 was hosted by LIFEPATCH - citizen initiative in art, science and technology and co-organized together with HACKTERIA | Open Source Biological Art in collaboration with various regional partners.

This book tried to assemble a collection of essays written by the participants, asked to reflect on their own experiences, individually or collectively, which only gives a glimpse into all the projects and exchanges that happend during HLab14. With a short overview of the programme and activities, selected photo impressions and the exhibition manual the book is rounded up and can be an entry point to explore further our online resources and serve as an inspiration for transdisciplinary collaborative practices.

Find all info about the HLab14-Book"Reflections on HackteriaLab 2014 - Yogyakarta"


Find all info about the HLab14-Documentary movie "SENI GOTONG ROYONG: HackteriaLab 2014 - Yogyakarta"


HACKTERIALAB-A4 web smaller 2.jpg

Informasi dalam Bahasa Indonesia, silahkan kunjungi: http://lifepatch.org/HackteriaLab_2014_-_Yogyakarta


HackteriaLab 2014 is scheduled to be held in April 2014, in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. A number of smaller events, workshops, residencies and exhibitions will prequel the main collaborative lab-phase. It is the fourth edition of an intensive two-week transdisciplinary collaboration amongst international and local artists, hackers, activists, scientists, and designers. HackteriaLab 2014 expands on ideas and methodologies about BioArt, DIY biology, Appropriate Technology, ArtScience and BioHacking, developed during the previous versions of HackteriaLab 2011 - Romainmotier and HackteriaLab 2010 - Dock18/Zürich in Switzerland and HackteriaLab_2013_-_Bangalore in India.

Within the framework of "Hackteria | Open Source Biological Art", the HackteriaLab immersive format plays a key role in experimentation and the development of new models for knowledge sharing and collaboration building, in the emergent artistic practices related to bio- and nanotechnology and science in general.

HackteriaLab, our version of a production workshop, is a form of cultural intervention, contributing to the development of our contemporary culture and art milieu. It creates a melting pot of the practices of art and science, of culture and environment. It aims to broaden the intercultural knowledge exchange and realizes this know-how through workshops, participatory prototype exhibitions and online wiki-like documentations.

HackteriaLab 2014 invites international artists and scientists to collaborate with local communities, which have been intensively working with specific local social and ecological issues in Yogyakarta.


HackteriaLab 2014 dijadwalkan berlangsung pada April 2014, di Yogyakarta, Indonesia, dengan melibatkan sejumlah seniman, aktivis, peretas, ilmuwan, dan perancang, baik lokal maupun internasional. Ada sejumlah acara, lokakarya, mukim (residency), presentasi, dan diskusi yang diadakan sebelum kegiatan ini dimulai. Kegiatan ini adalah edisi keempat HackteriaLab yang menyediakan ruang kolaborasi beragam disiplin secara intensif dalam waktu dua minggu untuk bekerja sama. HackteriaLab 2014 memperluas ide-ide dan metodologi di bidang BioArt, 'DIY biologi', Teknologi Tepat-Guna, Seni dan Sains, dan 'BioHacking' video source : Mary Tsang

See more documentation about HLab14 - Day to Day Documentation and also on the lifepatch wiki in Bahasa Indonesia.

Format and Schedule

  • HackteriaLab Pre-Phase: 15. Feb - 10 April. BioArt / Citizen Science Workshop tour around Java promoting HLab and recruiting regional Participants; Discussions in Yogyakarta on BioArt / Citizen Science.
  • HackteriaLab Opening Reception: 13. April. Presentations and Introduction by all participants
  • HackteriaLab Main-Phase: 13/14 - 25 April. 2 weeks production/research in Yogyakarta with 30 local and international participants.
  • HackteriaLab Post-Phase and Exhibition: 25 - 30 April. Exhibition in Yogyakarta for sharing the output to the larger local audience; making of the co-documentation and reflection.
  • HackteriaLab Dissemination Phase: June - Dec 2014. Various international workshops and presentations at festicals accross SE-Asia and Europe.

Detailed Daily Schedule of Main-Phase : HackteriaLab_2014_Schedule.

International Collaborations meet Regional Networks

Network of International and Regional Partners

The programs attached to HLab14 are now organized by Lifepatch in close collaboration with the International Hackteria Society and affiliated with both local and internatioanl collaborators. The program involves field research, participatory art practices, open laboratory, retreats and workshops. Designated final activities are two days of presentation from all makers/participants and an exhibition of selected processes followed by workshops. These two particular activities were chosen because we believe that similar approaches, methods and practices are real and present within all collaborators and participants; opening up an opportunity to meet and exchange for all these people from allover the world and local practitioners would open up the chances and possibilities for future collaborations.

HLab14 Preparations

To help the participants to find their way and the important places during HackteriaLab, we are working on a interactive map "Yogya for Geeks"

Various meetings with our local partners in Yogyakarta are happening, see details about the HackteriaLab 2014 Preparations.

HLab14 Team

Details see HackteriaLab 2014 Team.

HLab14 Pre-Phase: Feb - April

Poster Publikasi Tourdigrade

Connecting to local communities. Indonesia is a part of the world where the role and function of the government in citizen’s daily life is non-existing. After 32 years of the ‘silent’ dictatorship of the new order regime and 15 years of reformation, the idea of democracy and how the state should function has not reach a mutual agreement. Even so, ever since the idea of Indonesia was seeded, there have been many initiatives, both by collectives and individuals, that partially plays the roles of the state —starting from organizing themselves, organizing their family, organizing their surroundings, and it gets bigger and bigger. What we now know as DIY (Do-It-Yourself), DIWO (Do-It-With-Others), open-source and all that are nothing new at all. Being citizens, the Indonesians are used to being busy mending things that the government should have done for their citizens. Lifepatch is a citizen initiative that works in a creative and effective applications in the fields of art, science and technology. In its activities, Lifepatch’s practices focus on the arts and educations in science and technology that are practical and useful for citizens around them. This is done through with the development of creative and innovative practices in technology such as biological technology, environmental technology and digital technology. In practice, Lifepatch enriches the culture emphasizes on the spirit of DIY and DIWO by inviting designated public to be involved, to examine, explore, develop and maximize the function of technology in both the theoretical and practical use to society and culture itself.

  • Workshops
  • Field-trips
  • Presentations

See the workshops and presentations in and around Yogya on HackteriaLab 2014 Preparations

HLab14 Tourdigrade

To connect to our regional partners, we are going on tour for a series of workshops, hackathons and presenation. On the roadmap is our partners in Surabaya, W.A.F.T. Lab, the Ruangrupa community in Jakarta, and friends in our networks in Tobucil, Bandung and Jatiwangi Art Factory.

See the full details and schedule in Indonesian on Lifepatch wiki

HLab14 Main-Phase: 13 - 25 April

HLab14 is organized such that participants are tapped into an active, operating situation to minimize time loss in initial research and mappings etc. Collaboration with local communities who have knowledge and experience of the problems in the field, will guide the participants to focus what can be developed during the research lab phase in a directed manner. With the communities as a facilitators, we can greatly reduce the needed time in defining the problem. Instead, HLab14 participants will be immersed into the multitude of the situations on site. This design of HackteriaLab allows participants to respond with their own practice to the newly encountered situation and to share know-how to develop a process for solutions and realisations. As it may be, the experience may translate to an piece of artwork, a philosophical discourse, a hacked camera or tutorial to cleanse the river water before using it to wash clothes, etc.

HLab14 Schedule

Calendar and details see HackteriaLab_2014_Schedule.

>> Ecological Research Nodes

Different ecologies in and around Yogyakarta - Volcano, Rivers, Forests

Citizen science has long contributed to the health of local communities by making people aware of their environment in the form of oral histories and traditional wisdom. Recently, international open source and maker movements have been actively engaging with the life sciences to focus on the environment. This brought a revival of the traditional knowledge as well as an opportunity for innovation and a model for public participation in science. These activities are becoming influential policy forces, changing how we produce and share knowledge, as an iterative and collective process. Yogyakarta, Indonesia is one of the most active hubs in this movement. The proposed project highlights the interests of the hackteria network to develop policies based on awareness-raising. We believe that awareness is essential for consensus building.

We expect each of the participants subscribe to at least one topic (Ecologic Research Nodes) and work together with facilitators under three main topics tightly relating to the daily life of Yogyakarta. They are:

  1. Biorecovery of Volcanic Soil,
  2. Environmental Monitoring of the Rivers in Yogya,
  3. Biodiversity conservation in Wonosadi Forest, together with the focus on Open Source Hardware and DIY & Low-Cost Laboratory Infrastructure.

The local communities that have been working intensively with the issues with the local people will participate as facilitators within the framework of HLab14.

>> Biorecovery of Volcanic Soil

The project will be based on Lifepatch's ongoing study of agricultural microbiology for soil bio-recovery of soil altered by volcanic eruptions. Based on this field research, novel policy suggestions will be made on how workshops can raise community awareness, and applied to other ecology management issues. Additionally we will try to develop new DIY & Low-Cost Laboratory Infrastructure to enable remote monitoring of the environment up on the volcano mountain. Specific ideas are desribed here

>> Environmental Monitoring of the Rivers in Yogya

There are three main rivers which pass through the urban areas of Yogyakarta, Code River, Winanga River, and Gajahwng River. Lifepatch in collaboration with many communities have conducted a project called Jogja River Project (JRP) on these rivers since 2011. This project is also part of the Biodesign collaboration with EPFL and will be disseminated in June '14 in Lausanne.

Specific Ideas are discussed here.

>> Biodiversity conservation in Wonosadi Forest

Wonosadi is one of the last natural forests in Java. This forest is protected by the local villagers in close collaboration with Green Tech Community. The node aims to document the diversity in the forest, along with narratives and knowledge from the local villagers. During our Field-trip and overnight camping (bring and test your HackteriaLab 2014 MobileLabs) we have a chance to interact and explore the ideas described here

newspaper article look after the forest and forest looks after you

>> Collaborative Research Nodes

Lab-on-a-Bike: Various collaborations with hackteria.org have been implemented since 2009

>> Art Practices

Mutual interdisciplinary collaborations are not easy to find nowadays. In the context of art and science, a project either benefits only the artist(s) or only the scientist(s). It is not unusual that these practices tends to appear in a way that one discipline is exploiting the other. These kind of projects then have minimum level of sustainability because in the end only one aspect of the collaboration that could use the result/product/object.

HLab14's participants are challenged to redefine and try out how an artistic practice can support social innovation, cultural shifts, change and at the same time able to be positioned in its own discipline.

>> Open Source Hardware, DIY & Low-Cost Laboratory Infrastructure

How can we set-up a simple DIY laboratory in a low-resource setting or even in the forest without electricity? Which tools and infrastructure we have to make ourselves, how hack custom household devices to use as laboratory equipment, design simple electronics for control and monitoring of biolab protocolls? The Researcher-in-Residence, Marc Dusseiller aka dusjagr, together with various participants will look into these topics in the preparation phase and go out into the wild for field-testing during the main HLab14. We focus on various projects of OSH for environmental sensing, water monitoring and co-organize local workshops pre and during the HLab14.


Yogya Grad-Sense 2000


>> Field-Trips

>> HackteriaLab 2014 MobileLabs

>> Immortality and beyond

>> Dildomancy

>> Wonosadi Leaf Negativ Print

>> Transfeminism Research Jogja

>> Fermentations and Cookies

>> 8bit MixTape 2000

Based on earlier developments with the BabyGnusbuino, like the turbidity meter and the Nyamuk Synthesizer, we shifted to use the Seeeduino and add more options to it. First code examples are on the SGMK wiki.

>> Wonosadi Fungal Bioluminescence

Some older ideas and links about Explorations in BioLuminescence

>> Daphniaology

>> DIWO DNA Barcoding Explorations

>> BioArt Forum Film - An Exchange of Words

Invinting 5 participants to discuss about the reason why they are here, what's their motivation to exercise in the Art + Bio area... etc etc. The end result will be a video installation and a video.

>> Personal Lubricant

Thorough research is required for with regards to investigating optimum PH level of lubricants[1] suitable for genitalia use

>> Workshopology

April 16 - 18 @ KKF

April 19 - 21 @ BPR

April 21 - 22 @ BPR & surroudnings

April 21 - 23 @ KKF

details see : HLab14-Workshopology

>> Symposium - Citizen Initiatives in Art & Science @ UGM

HLab logo.png

Location in the Auditorium of the Agricultural Faculty in Gadjah Mada University

Date and Time Tuesday, April 15, from 9:00h to 15:30h

details see @ Symposium_-_Citizen_Initiatives_in_Art_&_Science_@_UGM

>> Akustikologi - Yogyakarta

Akustikologi is a music project that provides a collaborative platform for artists, musicians, scientists and hackers to arrange and improvise musical compositions according to each own disciplines. This project challenges the participants to not use any kinds of electronic amplifiers for a collaborative compositions in order to recall our hearing sensitivity —as we are mechanosensitive beings— amidst our noise-polluted environment.

Research phase: 19 - 21 April

Show: April 23

details see @ HLab14_Akustikologi_-_Yogyakarta

>> HLab14-Exhibition

HLab14 Poster pameranA3.jpg

HLab14 Participants

Dear Participants, please write a few words abouts yourself to introduce you to all the other participants, add some links and add some "Interests" specific to your participation at HLab14 - Yogyakarta @ HackteriaLab_2014_Participants & importantly HackteriaLab_2014_-_Info-kit_for_participants

HLab14 Team

details see : HackteriaLab_2014_Team

HLab14 Commons

Open discussion, put your idea and prompted thoughts here @ HackteriaLab 2014 - Commons

HLab14 Materials

Please start to put your wishes for available and to-be-ordered materials on HackteriaLab 2014 - Materials

HLab14 Library

Put interesting reads to share into the HLab14 Library.

HLab14 Dissemination-Phase: June - Dec

During the second phase, HLab14 Dissemination-Phase: June - Dec 2014, a series of Trans-Equatorial Workshops together with our large network of partners we are planning a series of smaller events across Asia, Australia and Europe, in their own environments (workshops, lectures and symposia), to share the experiences and practices from the HackeriaLab.

HLab14 as case study, review and presentation


Background of Collaboration

Since our participation at Cellsbutton#03 in 2009, we have very actively collaborated with various initiatives in and around Yogyakarta. We also worked together on projects and workshops about microscopy, fermentation and other playful biological experimentations across the globe and had active participants from the lifepatch community joining both HackteriaLab 2011 - Romainmotier and HackteriaLab_2013_-_Bangalore. Our collaborations are described on the hackteria website and the lifepatch wiki.

As partners in the Hackteria network, Lifepatch has been a most active node and contributor in citizen-science and artistic works at the art/sci interface, especially with their award-winning microbial fermentation project applied to agriculture and wine-making in Yogyakarta. As a platform for knowledge sharing and artistic exploration, Hackteria constitutes a network of artists and researchers that merge the use of life sciences with artistic interpretations, hacking and do-it-yourself strategies. Since 2010 the network met regularly and gathered in Switzerland in 2010 & 2011, where the Asia-European collaborations have intensified, including co-organization and active participation at HackteriaLab 2013 - Bangalore (IN). Workshops within this network have been held in more than 20 countries since 2009.

Earlier HackteriaLabs

Decriptions about earlier HackteriaLabs can be found on the hackteria website

presentation slide by dusjagr

Short Video by Togar


Yogyakarta (English: /ˌjɒɡjəˈkɑrtə/ or /ˌjoʊɡjəˈkɑrtə/, Malay: [jɔɡjaˈkarta]; also Jogja, Jogjakarta) is a city and the capital of Yogyakarta Special Region in Java, Indonesia. It is renowned as a centre of classical Javanese fine art and culture such as batik, ballet, drama, music, poetry, and puppet shows. Yogyakarta was the Indonesian capital during the Indonesian National Revolution from 1945 to 1949. One of the districts in Yogyakarta, Kotagede, was the capital of Mataram Sultanate between 1575 and 1640. The city is named after the Indian city of Ayodhya from the Ramayana epic. Yogya means 'suitable, fit, proper', and karta, 'prosperous, flourishing' (i.e., 'a city that is fit to prosper'). - taken from [Wikipedia]

As a central city of education in Indonesia, Yogyakarta is a destination for students from every location in Indonesia to pursue higher education. Yogyakarta offers high quality of education and affordable daily living cost. These condition made Yogyakarta suitable for wide range creative communities activities.



HackteriaLab 2014 - Yogyakarta is hosted by lifepatch.org.

LIFEPATCH - citizen initiative in art, science and technology

lifepatch house in Bugisan area

lifepatch – citizen initiative in art, science and technology: is an independent community-base organization working in creative and appropriate application in the fields of art, science and technology. It’s an organization run by multi-disciplinary people that reflects the active local creative community and the confluence of academic institutions of higher education in Yogyakarta in Central Java. In its’ activities, lifepatch focused on educative and artistic approaches for the communities by developing appropriate creative and innovative technologies such as biotechnology, digital technology with the spirit of DIY and DIWO culture. lifepatch mission is to aid the development of local human and natural resources by building bridges of domestic and international collaboration platform which give open access for anyone to the sources of the research and development.




Hackteria logo2012 green black.png

Hackteria is a collection of Open Source Biological Art Projects instigated in February 2009 by Andy Gracie, Marc Dusseiller and Yashas Shetty, after collaboration during the Interactivos?09 Garage Science at Medialab Prado in Madrid. The aim of the project is to develop a rich web resource for people interested in or developing projects that involve DIY bioart, open source software and electronic experimentation. As a community platform hackteria tries to encourage the collaboration of scientists, hackers and artists to combine their expertise, write critical and theoretical reflections, share simple instructions to work with lifescience technologies and cooperate on the organization of workshops, festival and meetings.Since 2009, Hackteria has conducted workshops in Europe (Switzerland, Slovenia, Norway, Austria, Hungary, Serbia, United Kingdom, Germany) , Asia (India, Indonesia, Taiwan, Hong Kong), Africa (Kenya) and North America (US, Canada).


International Partners

Through informal collaborations with our large group of affiliated partners, who will be involved in bringing participants to the HackteriaLab, we are aiming at opportunities, that they bring back the learned experiences and seed similar initiatives of community based art/sci activities. The broad foundation of our network (from India to Slovenia or Nepal to the Netherlands) can thus help redefining cross-cultural collaborations, meaning both crossing economic and cultural borders, as well as disciplinary borders of scientists, activists, educators and artists.

See the full list of HackteriaLab 2014 - International Partners

Collaborating Local Partners

Microbiology Laboratory of Agriculture Faculty UGM

Nur Akbar Arofatullah in Microbiology Lab UGM

A community of scientist led by Irfan D. Prijambada and Donny Widianto, lecturers at Faculty of Agriculture Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta. The community is represented by Nur Akbar Arofatullah, also a member of lifepatch, and also several students, have been working in close collaboration with lifepatch members for several years. Several examples of art and science collaboration projects between them are Bio-ethanol fermentation and Jogja River Project.

Otakatik Creative Workhop

Otakatik Creative Workshop

Otakatik declare themselves as creative community to facilitate and contain their member to learn, express and explore creativity in creating their works. Otakatik engaged in the exploration creations with local materials/ingredients, either waste or non-waste, as well as the development of appropriate technologies with the spirit of Do it Yourself (DIY). Creativity and the desire to seek answers through exploration is the main capital for Otakatik in each development of material processing method or process of work. Otakatik always try to see the limitations that exist as an opportunity to innovate. Otakatik are open to collaborate with anyone from any background. The openess of it, realized from the thoughts, interactions, transfer knowledges in a collaboration which enrich each individual involved.

Green Tech Community

Greentech study and research community Indonesia

A community of young people from University Pembangunan Nasional Yogyakarta, focusing in environmental activities. Green Tech and lifepatch has been working in close collaboration in Jogja River Project.

Bumi Pemuda Rahayu – BPR

Bumi Pemuda Rahayu Arts Centre aims to support a vision of environmental sustainability within the arts on a practical and theoretical level. Architecturally the site itself is built on a model of self-sustainability, using various methods to approach minimum carbon footprint. All the materials used have been chosen for its lowest impact on energy, using recycled materials with the main building itself made from bamboo. All its waste will be recycled or composted, with specially designed human waste recycling plant to generate electrical power. The garden has been planned to be completely edible.

Aside from its architectural and environmental focus the other important aim is to support the local community. People from the local area were invited to be an integral part of this centre and have already been employed to help build the structures, including the main bamboo multipurpose hall. They have been given training to acquire new skills from master bamboo builders and expert architects and landscape designers.

Bumi Pemuda Rahayu is located in the Village of Dlingo and participants of Hackteria Lab are asked to respect the local rules and culture. BPR does not support the use of plastic bags, men and woman must not share rooms unless married, smoking is only allowed at the front of the centre and alcohol is prohibited.

Kedai Kebun Forum

Kedai Kebun Forum is an alternative art space in Yogyakarta, managed independently by artists and consisting of a gallery, performance space, ‘HALTE’ a text learning media in art, bookstore and restaurant. Kedai Kebun Forum is a small community established with the purpose of providing an arena of learning and studying, in the context of developing sensibilities to all phenomena of social transformation through art. All activities of Kedai Kebun Forum are supported by its extraordinary restaurant.


Waft is an institution engaged in the development of interdisciplinary art in Surabaya. It was founded by a group of local practitioners with various backgrounds of event organizing and art movement. Since the establishment, Waft emphasizes on documentation as a basic idea of sharing information within the scope of art. Waft takes role as educative yet innovative media of dynamic art sphere.


Lifepatch Lab Bugisan


Adress: Jl. Bugisan Selatan, Gumuk Indah RT 13 RW 36, Yogyakarta (Belakang SMKI) 55182

KKF Temporary Lab

Kkf space outside.jpg

We are happy to have access to the performance space of the KKF, to set up our temporary lab through-out the HackteriaLab. It will serve as a production studio for the participants, as a public meeting-place for secular visitors and an open space for workshops and community engagements.

Kedai Kebun Forum is an alternative art space in Yogyakarta, managed independently by artists and consisting of a gallery, performance space, ‘HALTE’ a text learning media in art, bookstore and restaurant. Kedai Kebun Forum is a small community established with the purpose of providing an arena of learning and studying, in the context of developing sensibilities to all phenomena of social transformation through art. All activities of Kedai Kebun Forum are supported by its extraordinary restaurant.


BPR Retreat

BPR mainHal.JPG

Application Dossiers and Further Documents

During the recent months the team of international organisations has applied to various sources for funding, some of them have been rejected, others accepted and some of them are still in progress. Please find the most recent dossiers and appended documents here for downlaod:

HLab14 - T-shirts

Togar is acting as dusjagr t-shirt model

General design, whatever participants ideas, instructions, project schematics on front and the same minimal logo on the back.

FishHacking t shirt with back 2014.png

see current designs of HLab14 - T-shirts

Partners and Supporters


Hackteria logo2012 green black.png

Lifepatch black.png

Indonesia Local Partners

Ugm-logoCompact.png BPRlogo7.png Header kedai.jpg GreenTec.jpg Otakatik creative workshop.jpg Waft-logo.pngHypen.png Xcode logo bk hitam.png LAF.png

International Partners

Biodesign-Greenlogo.png SBS eng bw rgb.jpg Kapelica logo.jpg BioartTWlogo.png UR logo.jpg Pechblenda logo 4.png Logo colour - text.png KarkhanaLogo.png


The Swiss participation is partially funded through Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council.

ProH web.jpg

The general activities of Hackteria are partially funded my Migros Cultural Percentage.

Migros logo.jpg

BIO-DESIGN for the REAL WORLD is supported by the SEED grant from the Cooperation and Development Center at EPFL.

EPFL LOGO web.png

Hackteria Workshops at BPR Center of Retreat and Research with Austrlia and Nepal participants are supported by Ford Foundation.


Seeed Studio, an open hardware facilitation company based in Shenzhen, China, has supported us with various open hardware from their own product series.


The main activities of HackteriaLab 2014 are supported by Arts Collaboratory, Doen Foundation

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Dr Brian Degger is funded by AIDF Grant Arts Council England and British Council

ACE BritishCouncil Black RGB.jpg

More financial supporters are still to be confirmed.